Architecture Drawing

How to Draw Architectural Project with 30+ Titles?

I will tell you step by step where you should pay attention to in an architectural project drawing with 30+ Items consisting of project drawing rules and standards that you need to know for Architectural Project Drawing.

For friends studying at the Department of Architecture and How to Draw an Architectural Project? For those who are wondering, I will share the most important topics under headings in order. First of all, I will talk about the details according to the scale of the project and then I will talk about what you should pay attention to step by step and the indispensable things in the Architectural Project.

Determination of Project Scale

Details are drawn based on the architectural project drawing scale. Building Application Project is drawn as 1/50 Scale, System Details 1/20, System Section 1/50 Scale. Layout Plans are drawn at 1/500 or 1/100 scale standards, depending on the size of the land.

First, let’s start with the details that you must show in the project, according to the 1/50 Scale Drawing standards as our standard drawing scale. 1/50 scale; The actual length is reduced by 50 times over the project. For example, a length that is actually 10 meters is drawn as 20 cm on the 1/50 Scale. You can find the details about the subject in my SCALE CALCULATION article.

Column Drawing

Architectural project column drawing is drawn in the dimensions determined for demonstration. It is drawn in dimensions such as 40 cm x 40 cm / 30 cm x 30 cm / 30 cm x 60 cm (whatever thickness your project needs to be statically) and additionally needs to be scanned with ANSI33 hatch.

I leave a drawing below as an example of Column Scan. Colon Scan 45 degrees; Shown as straight and sectioned lines. This means that it consists of Reinforced Concrete, namely Concrete + Reinforcement (Iron).

architectural column drawing

For additional detailed article on the subject; How is Column Layout Made in Architectural Project? I recommend that you read my article. In the article, I explained the column layout system according to AKS.

Wall Drawing in Architectural Project

The wall drawing is indicated by straight lines. What we need to pay attention to while studying the Department of Architecture is that the exterior walls of the building are drawn as 20 cm, and the partition walls in the interior areas are drawn as 10 cm. The reason why the outer walls are thick; because it is directly connected to the outside, it should be both insulation and more robust.

Wall Drawing in Architectural Project

So there is no reason to make the inner walls 20 cm. But it depends on the projects. For example, if you are drawing a factory project, you can make interior partition walls 20 cm thick. These cases vary according to the place to be both heat, sound and robust.

Door Drawing

In the Door Drawing regulation, first the door opening direction must be drawn and the Door number coded. The purpose of coding; Showing the same type of doors in the same code, specifying the door width and height.

Door Drawing

  • Kl, K2,…………………Kn

Doors start with the K1 code, and the coding of the other door of different size and width is specified starting with K2.

  • K1 100 / 210

The door coding I mentioned above understood: A door in K1 is specified to be 100 cm wide and 210 cm high.

  1. 50 Scale If you draw a door in the architectural project, the wall thickness is shown as 5 cm, that is, you should draw a door frame of this size on both sides of the door.
  2. In the door drawing, you can draw as 3 cm or 4 cm in thickness.
  3. Be careful when drawing the door opening direction. The direction of the door you placed, excluding the toilet doors; As soon as you open the door, it should be in the form of seeing the place directly. In general, Doors are drawn parallel to the wall.

Window Drawing

You can think of the window drawing in the context of the rules I described in the Door Drawing, in a way. If I have to list the things you need to pay attention to in Window Drawing only;

  1. It is drawn according to the window widths. Standard Living Room Window 150 cm, Drawn 100 cm wide in smaller areas such as Bedroom, Living Room.
  2. The height of all standard windows is 150 cm.
  3. Toilet windows are drawn 40 cm x 40 cm or 50 cm x 50 cm wide.
  4. You must draw at least 1 opening sash window for each window. For this, while drawing, you need to draw 2 window sashes in the direction of the window to be opened.
  5. Window Numbering is done starting with P1, P2,…………………Pn. The Window Width and Window Height are then overlaid on the window drawing. In order to understand the window drawing clearly, by examining the information I gave above and the Window Drawing Project that I shared with you below; You can learn how to draw Window in Plan. 🎈😀

50 scale Window Drawing

Plaster Drawing

2 cm or 3 cm plaster drawings are made on Reinforced Concrete, Column, Wall in all of the buildings.

For exterior walls, the situation may be slightly different. If exterior insulation is made; First of all, the construction material must be doweled/connected to the wall and then plaster is applied.

Plaster Drawing

Axis drawing

The AXLE LINE has to pass through all Reinforced Concrete column drawings such as Column, Shear Wall, Stair Curtain, Elevator Curtain in the project.

The axis line must pass through the center of the columns. If the columns are located at the outermost (at the corners of the Mass), they must pass through the ends. The axis drawing is indicated by Dashed Lines.

Axis drawing

Detailed article about axle drawing. What is Axis Line? You can reach the Column Axis Representation on the Plan via my article.


The logic of measuring; When the project you have drawn is given to the Civil Engineer, Technician or Construction Master who will have the construction project done, all necessary dimensions must be given to construct the structure. In other words, when looking at the project, it is necessary to easily see where the window is and the distance of the door openings from the wall.

For this, it is obligatory to make Internal and External dimensioning in Architectural Projects and Building Application Projects. And in turn, the measurements are made in the form of an order.


The outside dimensioning is shown in the above drawing. In the same way, when making the internal dimensioning, the measurement of each different unit is given and then the full length measurement is given.

  • Dimensioning Rules
  1. Firstly, the projections and consoles on the plan are shown.
  2. Then, since there is a Door as above, the width of the door and the distance of the door from the walls are specified.
  3. The full length distance between the axles is shown. If there are more axles, the size of all axle spacings is displayed.
  4. Finally, a dimension is drawn between the first axle and the last axle. This is the measurement of the total external mass of your mass on that surface.

Stair Drawing

When drawing stairs, the Step Width is drawn as 25 cm or 30 cm, this situation changes according to the density of the usage area. The step height, which we specify as the Rift Height, varies between 15 cm and 19 cm.

  • Stair Drawing Rules
  1. Digit Numbers must be numbered. (1-2-3-4)
  2. Starting from the beginning of the stairs, the direction of the stair exit should be shown.
  3. Step widths need to be measured.
  4. There is a handrail on the stairs, it should be shown in the length of the exit line, 5 cm thick.F
  5. or ladder coding; Stair start level and end level must be written.
  6. Stair Shelf width and Ladder Coding should be done.

Stair Drawing

The most difficult part in Architectural Project Drawing is Stair Plan and Section drawing. Visit my Stair Plan and Section Drawings article for my 1/50 scale and 1/20 scale system detailed Stair Plan and Stair Section drawings that I have drawn via Autocad.

Architectural Project Drawing

In this article, I tried to explain how to draw an Architectural Project step by step with you. Apart from the floor plan drawing in the architectural project;

  1. Situation plan
  2. Floor plans
  3. Roof Plan
  4. Mold Plan
  5. Sections
  6. Appearances
  7. System Details

There are 7 different maps. For easy access to my other articles on Architectural Project Drawing within these topics, you can access them via the links below.

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